Communicable Disease Reporting

What to Report?

Healthcare providers are required to report suspected and or confirmed infections, disease, conditions, or unusual outbreaks to their local DHD#10 office immediately. Please report to your local DHD#10 office before informing any other organizations.

Other authorized professionals are also required to report include dentists, pharmacies, veterinarians, schools, daycare, camping facilities, and adult care facilities.

To see Dr. Morse’s most recent Measles Partner/Provider update, click here.

For the list of Michigan reportable diseases by conditions, click here.

Reporting Forms

MDHHS Cluster and Facility Outbreak Notification Report Form

How to Report to DHD#10?

District Health Department #10 will accept reporting via fax, phone, or electronic transfer into the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). All reports should include:

  • Patient’s full legal name, and parent/ guardian if a minor
  • Date of birth *certain diseases may also require county of birth
  • Sex
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Complete address including street, city, county, state, and zip code (if staying at an temporary or alternative address, both addresses should be included)
  • Phone number
  • Name of suspect or confirmed disease, infection, condition, or outbreak
  • Estimated onset of illness, disease, or condition
  • Identity of person reporting- name, address, phone number
  • Other pertinent information including but not limited to: family members, school, food handler, group living, day care attendee, employer, etc.

DHD#10 Communicable Disease Referral Form

After hours, please call (231) 878-0684 OR (231) 239-3435

Additional Contacts

MDHHS Communicable Disease Division Phone: 517-335-8165 Fax: 517-335-8263
MDHHS After Hours EMERGENCY ONLY Phone: 517-335-9030
MDHHS Bureau of Laboratories Phone: 517-335-8063 Fax: 517-335-9631
MDHHS Immunization Division Phone: 517-335-8151, Fax 517-335-9855


Communicable Disease Reporting in Michigan – Physicians and Labs
Communicable Disease Information & Resources
Emerging Disease in Michigan 
HIV Case Reporting and Data
Tuberculosis Control